to the 1st Global
Solstice Ceremony
Activating Sisterhood
Between Women
in the Northern & Southern
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For Lifetime Access to Solstice Ceremony
As Winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere
Summer starts in the Northern.
Our Priestesses held space for Both
Unifying the Opposites!
SUMMER and WINTER Solstices
are the HIGH Points of INITIATION
in the Solar Year
If you’re entering WINTER:
it’s time to move through
the Birth Canal
If you enter SUMMER:
it’s time to move through
the Sun Portal
I have created an Initiation for you
to help you Release the old season,
and Empower you
as you go into the Womb (in winter)
or into Flowering (in Summer)
Our 1st Global Solstice Ceremony
Uniting the hemispheres –
was only the Beginning!
Experience the Ceremony first
then Dive into the Initiation!
Get Lifetime Access to Solstice Ceremony ($22) Below
Receive FREE Lifetime Access to Ceremony
when you purchase either one:
For Lifetime Access to CEREMONY ONLY – Click Below:
For FREE Lifetime Access to Global Solstice Ceremony,
Our Solstice Ceremony Priestesses:
Israel/ California, U.S.A:
DeAnna L’am
DeAnna L’am is a speaker, coach, consultant, and author who has been transforming women’s and girls’ lives around the world, for over 30 years.
DeAnna was the first to bring Menstrual Empowerment work to Israel, her country of origin, where she led groups of Jewish and Arab women in surpassing political and religious differences by deeply bonding as cycling women.
DeAnna is dedicated to inspiring women and girls to love themselves unconditionally! She works to cultivate Red Tents in every neighborhood, trains women to hold Red Tents in their communities, and helps women in Menopause to transition into their Wisdom Years with ease. |
![]() DeAnna is author of: ‘Becoming Peers – Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood’, and ‘A Diva’s Guide to Getting Your Period’, and founder of: Red Tents In Every Neighborhood – Global Network, Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls™, WOMB WISDOM Tribe, and International Red Tent Day (celebrated globally on November 8). Visit DeAnna at: www.deannalam.com |
Karenina Villagrán Pons
![]() Terapeuta integrativa especializada en salud y bienestar femenino. Vive en Santiago, Chile. Trabaja activamente acompañando y empoderando mujeres a través de su proyecto Jardín de Shakti; espacio donde enfoca su trabajo en la educación menstrual, la sexualidad y el cuidado natural de la fertilidad. Años de experiencia enseñando a mujeres a amarse a sí mismas mediante la reconexión del ciclo menstrual como una fuente de intuición, creatividad y espiritualidad. Moon Mother Avanzada y parte del equipo de coordinación en Womb Blessing Chile. Co-fundadora de Ediciones Almaluna, un proyecto que busca expandir la sabiduría femenina en palabra impresa a lo largo de su país. Promotora activa de la Carpa Roja, líder de la antorcha roja en Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Chile y la primera y única Entrenadora de Activación de Carpas Rojas residente en Sudamérica. Visítala en www.jardindeshakti.cl |
ENGLISH: Integral therapist specialized in feminine health and well-being. She lives in Santiago, Chile. She actively works supporting and empowering women through her project Jardín de Shatki; space where she focuses her work on menstrual education, sexuality and the natural care of fertility.
Years of experience teaching women how to love themselves through the reconnection of the menstrual cycle as a source of intuition, creativity and spirituality. Advanced Moon Mother and member of the Womb Blessing Chile coordination team. Co-founder of Ediciones Almaluna, a project looking for expanding feminine wisdom in written words along her country.
Active promoter of the Red Tent, leader of the red torch in Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Chile and the first and only Red Tent Activation Trainer dwelling in South America.
Visit her on www.jardindeshakti.cl Facebook: www.facebook.com/jardindeshakti |
Los Gatos, U.S.A:
Ariana Newcommer
![]() Ariana Newcomer specializes in healing the soul’s voice to joyfully express its divine purpose. An intuitive healer, energy worker and voice healer since 1984, Ariana is a Dove Oracle Priestess, Harvard graduate, Massage Therapist, SoulCollage®Facilitator, and former professional opera singer. She is the creator of The Wise Woman Immersion program, the Reclaiming The Wise Woman Elder Summit, she is an internationally published best-selling author, and mom of 2.
Ariana’a Gift:
3rd Chakra Reconfiguration – Power with Integrity Guided Meditation and Sound Healing Designed to change the energy pattern of your 3rd Chakra from Domination to Partnership. Because of thousands of years of the Dominator Paradigm on the planet, our 3rd chakras hold the energy pattern of Domination. This is a big reason why many spiritual, highly conscious people don’t want to use power. This meditation will help you use your personal power with integrity, love, compassion, and true partnership, for the highest good. I recorded it during the full moon lunar eclipse on 2-10-17, making it especially potent with transformational energies. Click Here to get Ariana’s Gift |
Austin, Texas & Colombia:
Diana Hererra
Comprometida desde años atras en reavivar la importancia del sagrado femenino en cada mujer por medio de la aceptación de su periodo menstrual y hornado sus ciclos de luna.
Ministra, Coach espiritualidad femenina, terapeuta menstrúal, Embajadora y Entrenadora de Carpas Rojas y Moon Mother Nivel III. ENGLISH: Diana has been committed for years to rekindling the flame of the Sacred Feminine in every woman, by means of accepting of her menstrual period and honoring her Moon Cycles. She is a Minister, a Female Spirituality Coach, A Menstrual Therapist, A Certified RED TENT ACTIVATION Trainer, and Level III A Moon Mother. |
Odontologa Rehabilitadora y forense. Parasicologa, facilitadora y activadores de carpas rojas, Guardiana Carpa Roja Austin, Moon Mother, coach espiritualidad femenina y terapia menstrual, Master Arcangelico Zafiro Azul.Pertenezco al movimiento de una carpa roja en cada barrio de DeAnna Lam.
He escrito los libros Memorias de un Ángel, Diario Angélico y Compendio Angélico, Ángeles, Chakras y Energía, los mismos se encuentran disponibles en ingles y se venden a nivel nacional en Estados Unidos y Europa. Web: http://www.elmundodelosangeles.com/carpa-roja.html Email: energiayangeles@gmail.com Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/carparojaaustin/ |
![]() Dentistry Rehabilitation and forensics. Parasicologist, Red Tent activation facilitator, Guardian Red Tent Austin, Moon Mother, coach female spirituality and menstrual therapy, Master Arcangelico Sapphire Blue. I belong to the movement of a red tent in every neighborhood of DeAnna Lam. I have written the books Memories of an Angel, Angelic Diary and Angelic Compendium, Angels, Chakras and Energy, they are available in English and sold nationwide in the United States and Europe. |