MoonTime Wisdom from Ethiopia – Part 2

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A treasure of stories from an Ethiopian living tradition of the Women’s House with Aveva Bat Mahari.

Hebrew with English Subtitles

How was it to go to the Women’s House every month, from your first period?
To share monthly time with women in your village?
To have a secret language?
Aveva generously shares her memories with us as we thrive to renew these living traditions around the world!

Hebrew interview: DeAnna L’am, English Translation: Maria Bar Sinai, Editing: Yael Zeligman.
Many thanks to Yuvi Teshome, Aveva’s daughter, for making it all happen!

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One Response

  1. Aveva’s story was so beautiful. I think it should be written down so many can read about her first hand knowledge of the Women’s House. She is a beautiful lady. One can sense her internal strength and love which I think originated in the Women’s House. I believe that her message of women talking to women each month is better than any well meaning social worker. I also felt her longing to return to her mother country. She is a pure and sacred woman.

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