Menstrual texts from inside your body?

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Woman, Art by Rudolph Carl Gorman, small

The buzz is growing about a new ‘smart’ Menstrual Cup, and leaves me wondering about it all…

You probably have heard why tampons and disposable pads are really not a viable choice – neither for your body, nor for the environment.

Alternatives, such as whimsically printed reusable Cloth Pads, and various Menstrual Cups, have been the Smart Woman’s choice in the New Millennia. But the digital era’s ‘Smart’ gives the word a whole new meaning.

The ‘New Smart’ is a battery operated cup that will text you from within your body!

Would you insert it into your Yoni, your Sacred Space, also known as your Vagina?

Tech Crunch, one of the many now publicizing this new Start up, has recently shouted out: ‘Smart Menstrual Cup’ Looncup Deciphers Your Flow, and explained: “The reusable cup tracks the volume and color of menstrual fluid and uses Bluetooth to send that info to its connected app.”

The Fashion Spot wrote: “Once the cup is inserted, it checks your menstrual cycle via a sensor and alerts you in real time as the cup fills… It can also help you predict upcoming periods and can monitor the color of your menstruation blood for signs of stress or lack of sleep.”

Have we gotten so detached from our body that we need a devise to “decipher our flow”? To let us know when we are stressed or sleep deprived? Are we giving away our connection to ourselves, to our body, to our cyclicity, to the expansion and contraction of our soul? Is our goal to become more unconscious, and develop more devices to rely on for what is happening inside us?

“Unless it makes a mess, I rarely think about my sloughing uterine lining as anything other than a minor inconvenience” wrote Catherine Shu in The Crunch, as an intro to her article about the upcoming ‘Smart Cup.’ She went on to interview Loon Labs co-founder Kate Lee who says about the project: “We want to change the negative thoughts we’ve all had about menstruation. We think it’s something positive.”  I’m confused, now… If it’s ‘something positive’, surely the positivity is inherent in our body, is it not? And if so, why do we need digital help? 

What do you prefer: Awareness,
or Menstrual texts from inside your body?

Please comment below,
or on our Facebook page Red Tents In Every Neighborhood

Your opinion matters!

It doesn’t matter if you support the new Smart Cup or not,
what matters is that we are all in conversation about it!

21 Responses

  1. Blue tooth capability in my vagina? NO thank you. Wireless technology and its electromagnetic radiation does not sound like a good idea inside the vagina or any body cavity.

    Why does everything need to be computerized?

    Trust in your inner connection. Get friendly with your cyclical nature.

  2. Smart cups are the most ludicrous idea I have ever heard of. Women need to be personally in touch with their bodies, not via text

  3. I prefer to be in touch with my body, using my ìntuition, my eyes, my feelings (body sensations) & my hands.
    I use cloth pads & the diva cip occasionally, I also use some organic cotton tampons so as not to put pesticides inside my vagina. I can see the color & consistency & amount of my blood & I prefer it that way.

  4. How preposterous! I don’t follow mainstream media, so thank you for bring this to our attention. It is time for us women to talk more openly, especially to our daughters and her girl friends. Sometimes, these girls are so bombarded with false messages, it is hard to talk to and be heard. I have found though that they really do crave the wise women ways once they are pen and attentive.

  5. There’s been a lot of media attention surrounding Menstraution lately. Sounds like a case of somebody jumping on the band wagon thinking menstruation could become marketable and profitable? I wouldn’t insert a battery operated blue tooth device anywhere, let alone in my most Sacred Space. I don’t think they understand the truth of a womans Menstruality.

  6. I agree the ‘New Smart’ is just another way to allow ourselves to “zone out” and lose touch with our bodies. As such, it joins the long list of devices and procedures which allow women to be “masters of our bodies” without understanding the inherent wisdom of our bodies and bodily processes. This is a kind of digital colonization of territory that should be respected and left wild and free!

  7. Kind of spooky and weird….why add the load of more radio or microwave devices to your emf overload?

    it’s a consumer gimmick!

  8. Overall, I don’t like the idea of this at all. AT ALL! But…I can see how someone with endometriosis or other painful disorders, could benefit from a device like this for short periods of time. I think it could help them figure out how to understand that “when I’m experiencing a specific pain, it mean thus and such is happening”. Short term! Short term!
    For most of us, no, no, no,

  9. I suscribe to everything DeAnna and other have written here on this subject.
    It reminds me of electronic babysitters – a wonderful device that helps parents to have a normal life, promoting a detachment form parenthood during the times when a true connection is most needed.
    Similarly, a Bluetooth-connected digital menstrual cup further increases the gap between our bodies and ourselves even though both our bodies and beings are crying for a true connection, for oneness we all are yearning for deep within.

  10. I suscribe to everything DeAnna and others have written here on this subject.
    It reminds me of electronic babysitters – a wonderful device that helps parents to have a normal life, promoting a detachment from parenthood during the times when a true connection is most needed.
    Similarly, a Bluetooth-connected digital menstrual cup further increases the gap between our bodies and ourselves even though both our bodies and beings are crying for a true connection, for oneness we all are yearning for deep within.

  11. Thank you for bringing this to our awareness, I don’t read mainstream media either and so to be aware of how far in the wrong! direction this new menstrual cup seems to be taking us – I don’t know. I am pain sensitive to bluetooth and electromagnetic radiowaves, so I do not want to even begin saying what possible side effects this cup could have on women’s sacred spaces, especially those growing bodies of young girls coming into menstruation for the first time. To me this idea seems too ridiculous to be true!! I am glad that all commenting so far have given their word to their own intuition.

  12. Wow! This is on another level. I have had the pleasure of honoring my moon cycle… since discovering that birth control to regulate my cycle was not an option. Once I discovered reusable pads and the diva cup my world was rocked, when I stayed offering my blood back to the earth it truly sank in how powerful and undermined this aspect of the feminine had been in the past. I am ecstatic to read here and encounter sisters who ate reclaiming or cycles as sacred and teaching ornate to do the same.

  13. I think that the future is with a deeper feminine awareness, not with a deeper technology/app/device or whatever other gadgets scientist will invent!
    For totally detached women who have been ignoring their body most of their life though, it might be a first good step towards a better and deeper acceptance of their body intimate parts.

  14. WOW NO NO NOOO yes that is a shout
    Do lets keep techno stuff in bags, on desks or elsewhere but not inside the vagina. Having used a moon cup for some years till it became unnecessary I found I was really in tune with when to check it
    Here is to reconnection to our bodies, its cycles and its gifts xx

  15. NO!!!!!
    A mooncup is perfectly suitable, I cannot see how technology can improve upon this in any way. And to put bluetooth, electromagnetic radiation and the metals/plastics and other elements inside my sacred place – NO!!!!

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