Menstrual blood source of stem cells

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An amazing scientific discovery, shared by a friend today, is quoting recent research, which identified menstrual blood cells as possible source for stem cells!
I remember reading in Marlo Morgan‘s book: ‘Mutant Message Down Under’ of Australian Aboriginies’ natural processing of menstrual blood into healing salve.
It is exciting to hear that current scientific research is catching up.
Below is an excerpt from the article and a link to it.
From article:
Menstrual blood tapped as source of stem cells.
Experiments in lab dishes showed that under the right conditions, the menstrual stem cells could turn into more different tissue types — including bone, blood vessel, fat, brain, lung, liver, pancreas and heart — than other adult stem cells. The new stem cells also grow readily and rapidly, which is an important advantage. 
Scientists are pursuing a new type of stem cell found in menstrual blood:

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