The Self Acceptance e-Course
Would You Like to
Fall in Love with your Body,
and feel Comfortable in your Skin
Any Time, Any Where?
Dear Sister,
Do you love your body?
You may have been raised to think you’re supposed to be thinner/taller/blonder than you are…
You may have been struggling to love your body since adolescence…
You may have made strides and came a long way in accepting your body…
But sometimes looking in the mirror still brings up judgments, negativity,
and some wishful thinking that you’d look like somebody else, a top model perhaps?
Many women are in that same boat…
Having worked with thousands of women around the world I’d like to reassure you:
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Love Your Body Home Study
You can feel At Ease in your Body,
Like it Exactly the way it is,
and Love it as a Dear Friend!
My name is DeAnna L’am, and like so many women I struggled to love my body for many years.
In 1992 I began a personal journey toward embracing my monthly cycle, which changed the way I experienced my body as a whole, and my cycle in particular.
I moved from wearing a Judge Hat, to wearing a Detective Hat:
Instead of judging every bit of me –
I started to inquire what does each part of me do, to help the Whole? I started tracing the amazing service, the immaculate teamwork among all the parts that make up my body. I started feeling the Sacredness of the Whole…
At the same time I learned how to access my intuition as a reliable guide,
started feeling continual gratitude for my body,
and grown empowered, and in-charge of my life,
in a bigger way than I ever experienced before.
Many of my women friends noticed the difference in me,
and inquired about ways to make such shifts in their own lives,
as well as convey these to their daughters.
A trained coach and facilitator, I’ve been holding women’s empowerment circles since 1993
I Invite You
To step into Your Power,
Deepen into the Sacredness of Your Body,
And let it be the Vehicle
For your Spirit to Soar!
If you are a WOMAN who was once a girl –
This is for you!
If you are a women who has a GIRL in her life –
this is doubly for you!!
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Love Your Body Home Study
This deeply transforming Home Study includes:
Five Shamanic Trance Journeys:
– Before Judgment Was Born
– The Origins Of Negative messages
– Clearing Negative messages from Your Body
– The Sacredness Of Your Body
– You Are A Flower In The Garden Of Creation
Each recorded journey is a deeply soothing experience, designed to take you into an altered state,
where true transformation occurs!
Taking all 5 journeys, you will gain:
– Deepened Self-Worth, Self-Value, and Self Acceptance, regardless of where you are now
– A Love for Your Body, which is not based on looks but on relationship
– An Empowering Model you can pass to your Daughter,
or the Girl in your life
Here is what women say:
“DeAnna work helped me enter into profound intimacy with myself.
The mirror now reflects a new image of me: deep and hidden facets. I now know, focus and love myself.
A feeling that “everything is fine” is born in me , and affects peace and security in every way. I’m more empathetic, I have a better overall view of life. I feel like a gem being polished and providing facets.
It is awakening creativity and desire to do what I’ve always wanted. Without self-imposed limits. It is like being born, growing and flourishing in a new spring – after a cold and dreadful winter.
Infinite thanks for your work!”
~ Montserrat C.B. Midwife, Barcelona, España
“For the first time in my life I have a positive, empowering sense of womanhood! Thank you so much!”
~ Sonya, Austria
“Thank you for this process… The questions you ask go right to the core of the issues & messages we’ve been carrying about our body [as women] and it’s been very healing to make these conscious. I haven’t found anyone who’s been able and willing to go there the way you have.“
~ Cindy, Counselor, Seattle, WA
“I can’t recommend your work enough! I feel I have come into my full power as an adult woman. I have released deep layers of pain, shame, and negativity from many generations of women in my family.”
~ Sophia Style, Menstrual Cycle and Childbirth Educator, Girona, Spain
If you don’t love this Home Study, if you don’t feel empowered, accepting, and loving of your body after working through it, I’ll give you your money back. Period.
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Love Your Body Home Study
How much does it cost?
This is a unique Home Study.
There are none like it, since I developed it over years
of working with women and girls around the world.
It’s market value is $197.00!
I really want to make it accessible to women everywhere,
so am keeping the price lower!
Love Your Body Home Study,
$197.00 Value
Under Special Offer:
Please click below to purchase this transformative Home Study:
I promise: you will feel nourished, comfortable, accepting, and loving of your body, and your Self!
Your relationship with your body will dramatically change, and your sense of womanhood will be deeply enhanced.
Here is to your journey of growth!
Yours in sisterhood,
P.S. – Do you already feel (mostly) comfortable with your body?
This Home Study is for you, Too!
It will take you on empowering shamanic journeys, enhance your self-love, and deepen your inner guidance.
P.P.S. – If you have a girl in your life — you really need to take this Home Study! You will be able to pass on to her an empowering legacy beyond what you ever received as a girl…
If you are ready to Embrace Change –
Go for Extra e-courses & Save: