Like A Girl

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Like A Girl?
What does it mean to do something #Like A Girl?

Like A Girl

In most cultures it’s an insult to say you do anything #LikeAGirl. This fascinating commercial is indeed shedding light on the topic, inspires self esteem and confidence, yet… it is a commercial.

It’s interesting to note that despite this fact, ‘Always’ is not trying to sell anything in this particular instance.
Or does it?
It seems Always is doing something much more calculated, clever, and manipulative.

It associates confidence, self esteem, and Being Yourself – with its brand!

A girl who watched this commercial and felt empowered by it will sooner or later go to shop for menstrual products. Who will she zoom on? You got it. The brand that showed her that doing things #LikeAGirl is a cool thing.

The company that made this well-done video encourages you to share it “if you want to get this message heard.”

Again, this is a great message, yet it is not neutral, not without its agenda, and not innocently wanting to empower girls. It wants to sell products.

Should this matter?
What do you think?
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