We sat in her kitchen in São Paulo, Brazil, drinking tea and talking about my booklet for girls ‘A Diva’s Guide To Getting Your Period’.
Originally written in English, the book has been translated into 8 languages. It has a different Title in each country (chosen according to each translator’s suggestion) and different illustrations, created by a local woman artist in each country.
As a journalist, Samantha thought this wasn’t a good idea.
“People won’t know it’s the same book” she said. “They will see a different cover, with a different title, and think these are 7 different books. Why did you do it?” she asked.
Because I honor women. I value women’s unique creativity, their talent, and their understanding of their own culture.
Every translator I worked with felt unsure about using the word ‘Diva’ in the title. ‘Diva’ was chosen for the English title by the majority vote of girls in the USA whom we asked. They loved it!
Yet, it sounds different in other languages. ‘Diva’ has many connotations and they vary from one culture to another.
I deeply value my Translators’ sense of language, and their understanding of the culture in which they grew up. If a translator tells me that a certain word in the title will not be communicative in her country – I listen to her.
I chose to let each Translator, and each Illustrator, use her Unique way – to express our Similarities as women!
English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Hebrew, Arabic – this is how these languages are spelled, and pronounced, in English.
But look at this:
English, Español, Italiano, Français, Deutsche, Português, عربى,עברית
Each language has it’s own way of spelling, and it’s unique way of pronunciation, yet the MEANING of these words is the Same – in All languages.
But this diversity within unity goes further:
Sometimes an INTERPRETIVE translation expresses the message BETTER than a LITERAL translation.
We chose to take the message in the book’s title and Dress it in different words for each language edition.
‘A Diva’s Guide To Getting Your Period’ became:
‘The Red Thread’ in French,
‘From Maiden To Woman’ in Italian,
‘Daughters Of The Moon’ in Arabic,
‘Girl, Maiden, Woman’ in Hebrew,
‘A Woman’s Gift’ in Romanian,
‘Dancing With The Moon’ in Spanish, German, and Portuguese
What poetic richness!
Each tongue has a Unique way of expressing a Similar concept.
And that’s exactly what I wanted to create with the Diva’s Guide!
A mosaic of images and titles, all speaking the Same Message:
each in its unique way, each addressing women & girls in a specific culture, with it’s own emotional climate — expressing the same passionate message in different words!
Perhaps, as Samantha said, it may not be as easy to realize they are all the same book. You need to take a closer look to see this.
Perhaps Samantha was right again when she said that the focus was taken away from me as an author, and given to the new cover or title. This is absolutely OK with me :-)
This book is not about me as an author. It’s about the Message, and about finding the best way to express it – in each language and culture.
We, women, are connected by our cyclical life pulse.
We expand and contract with the moon, from our first blood — to the end of our lives. We continue to be cyclical beyond menopause, in subtle yet powerful ways.
This rhythm is shared by us beyond any differences.
The differences of culture, religion, beliefs, upbringing, or convictions – pale in comparison to our shared cyclical experience.
We share a monthly dance, and we are Connected by it. Lets express this connection in as many colors, images, languages, titles, and formats as possible!
3 Responses
I agree with you, D. Each culture is unique and your book has become acculturated to each of them.
Dear DeAnna and Samantha,
I think both sides are good and important. Perhaps we can combine it by showing the different assimilations in various countries on the back or somewhere else inside the book – because it is very interesting and inspiring for a girl to see them all – isn´t it? For me it would have been!
With Love & gratitude