Fathers Heart

Heal your Father's Heart Lineage
Become Whole Again

A 4-week Online Journey

Begins September 5

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I heard the call of the Fathers Heart recently..

when I facilitated an online course on healing on our Ancestral Lines.

It came as a shocking surprise to all women participants, myself included, how UNSEEN and unfamiliar our Fathers’ Lines felt…

We are all are so used to working with our Mothers’ Line.

It’s surprising to see how much yearning do our Fathers Lines feel towards our gaze, our attention, our heart, our healing…

It is time

to Answer our Fathers Heart Call

to heal and be healed

Begins September 5

DeAnna's Father, Silviu, 70th birthday

This is my Father’s Heart…

My father, Silviu, was born in Bucharest, Romania, 1932, died in Jerusalem, Israel, 2010

In all my healing journeys for the past 30 years I have focused on my Mother’s Line…

I had many complaints and grudges, criticism and dismay about my father’s ways of Fathering me, but I never looked at my father’s lineage or the wounds that passed through generations of men in our family.

This photo of my father and I was taken in Romania, just before we emigrated to Israel. I was almost 3 years old.

The horse carriage I am riding belonged to the photographer, my family had no budget for such toy.

My father, who really wanted the boy, loved me dearly yet his philosophy was to offer negative reinforcements as the means to educate his children.

He expressed his love in material gifts as he could afford them.

He never hugged us or kissed us except on birthdays, when we were posing for a photograph.

My Father’s heart was often Silent…

He never said the words: I Love You

Yet he often said: “You know this for your own good, and I do this because I love you, you know that, don’t you?”

I’m not sure I did know that…

I experienced him is very severe, critical, cold, towing a moral line.

He was wounded in many ways.

Our Fathers’ Lines carry so many Wounded Stories…

It's time to enter the realm of our Fathers Heart...

Begins September 5

DeAnna's grandpa Uku

This is my Father’s Father, Herman, whom I called Uku as a child. 

He immigrated from Romania to Israel in his fifties.

The only work he could find was lifting and transporting huge rocks by hand at a quarry in Nazareth, where he and my grandmother lived.

I remember, as a small child, visiting him with my dad at his work site.

His face and upper body running rivers of sweat, almost collapsing under the weight of the rocks.

He never really mastered the Hebrew language nor integrated into Israeli society in any significant way.

But he loved me unconditionally, and would do anything for me…

He showered me with gifts that made my head spin:

A doll such as I’ve never seen before, and our first family camera, which was his gift for my 6th birthday.

When I was 12 he hanged himself in the bathroom.

My grandmother came home from work and found him.

He owed some money to debtors and saw no other way out but taking his own life. My father said later it wasn’t even a huge sum of money…

I was considered too young and wasn’t allowed to go to his funeral, so never had a chance to say goodbye…

Do you know the stories of your Father’s Lineage?

It's time to enter the realm of our Fathers Heart...

Begins September 5

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I can only name my mother’s father, and my father’s father.

There are no photographs, no names, no stories for any of the men in the generations before my grandfathers.

How many generations back can you name fathers and grandfathers in your ancestors lines?

What details do you know your father’s story?

Both of your grandfathers stories?

Your great-grandfathers stories?

It’s astounding to me to realize how much more familiar I am with the stories of my mother, my grandmothers, my great-grandmothers

Is it because our mothers were better storytellers?

Or because our fathers couldn’t find the words, buried their memories, detached from their pain…?

It's time to enter the realm of our Fathers Heart...

Begins September 5

Is it For Me?

This is for you, if you Feel:

~ Imbalance between your Feminine and Masculine aspects

~ Detached or Unfamiliar with your Father’s Line

~ Connected Mostly to your Mother’s Line

~ Disconnected from your Ancestral Lines

~ Yearn to Become Whole

Begins September 5

How Does It Work?

~ Attend 4 weekly Live Zoom sessions

~ Receive All Recordings (Yours to Keep)

~ Meetings are on Thursdays at 12:30pm Pacific (*)

September 5 – 26, 2024

(*) Convert to your time zone – click HERE

What Will I learn?

Module 1:

Connecting with our Father’s Ancestral Line

Meeting our Father’s Line in our Biography

Healing The Wounds of Generations

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Module 2:

Father's Line,3

Connecting with our Mother’s Father Ancestral Line

Meeting our Mother’s Father’s Line in our Biography

Healing The Wounds of Generations

Module 3:

Recognizing our Fathers’ Lines Imprint on our Birth

Our Fathers’ Lines Imprints on our Biography

Healing the Masculine Within

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Module 4:

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Recognizing HIDDEN Masculine Imprints on our Lives

Breaking Free of Cultural Masculine Shackles


Begins September 5

Heart Words from Around the World

“It's impossible to say how much gratitude I feel for being able to embark on this journey with your sacred guidance, DeAnna.
I bow to you because I feel the ancestors and the Great Mother speaking through you.
There are no words about the depth of your work, facilitating these journeys and holding space, with empathy, patience, and compassion. So sacred. I am deeply touched and moved. It's precious.
I feel so humble right now, and infinitely grateful that I have the opportunity to work with you.
I can't wait for the next session.”
~ Annette, Germany
“Working personally with DeAnna I clearly feel and see a new level of Self Love that came into my life, enriching every part of me. This is the most fundamental work I've ever been a part of.”
~ Mariama Hense,
Trauma Counselor, Germany
“I own my power now!
I'm ready to be myself and show it to the world. I have the strength now to take my vision into the world, to act as my heart shows me.”
~ G.B.
Midwife, Italy
“What I have gained is more valuable then I can put in words. The healing I received is subtle, profound and powerful beyond measure. The quality of my life has changed. I am comfortable in my body. I have greater love and respect for myself, I have made peace with my past and my relationships have improved.”
~ Monet Brooks,
Spiritual Teacher, Medical Intuitive
“Our time felt very powerful. I sense a deeper inner peace, I feel grounded and I can see clearly now.
Thank you for your presence and in-tuning to the energy and spirit realms, to facilitate the journey. 
Much gratitude, 
~ Charlotte Douglas,
Musician, New York, USA
"Strength, courage, love, talents, and interests came back to my life. I'm happy to be alive again."
~ K. S.
Vienna, Austria
"I am forever changed by the experience with you!
I connected with long-ago parts of myself, with which I’d been thirsty to connect. I'm called to be more of the woman that I already am, in a greater way than I knew possible!
~ Amy Mansfield Weinberg,
mother and counselor, Sacramento, CA
What a transformation! To come back to my body, spirit and soul… You have given me insights to connect with myself, as well as my mother and my daughter! I hope women around the world experience such connection and transformation!”
~ Ilke Sternberger,
UCLA certified lactation specialist, Dona certified postpartum doula, Owner of nursery school in Los Angeles, CA
“Even tough I only had two sessions, it changed my life!
I was having severe PMS symptoms, severe pain, heavy bleeding every month. Immediately after the session my symptoms stopped.
Only occasionally since then do I experience severe pain and it always goes away with the self-love you taught me.
I can only imagine the blocks I can get through now by completing the course.
~ Willow Sophia,
San Diego, CA

Begins September 5

VIP Tract
Open to 5 Women only

Class + 2 PERSONAL SESSIONS with DeAnna

“I was deeply touched being a VIP Member of the Red Tent Academy. Working personally with DeAnna I clearly feel and see a new level of Self Love that came into my life, enriching every part of me.

The Red Tent Academy is the most fundamental course I've ever been a part of.”
Mariama Hense
Trauma Counselor, Germany

Limited to 5 Women

Register Now
To Avoid Disappointments

Begins September 5

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Father's Heart


CLICK HERE for payment plan (3 payments of $159)
doors open for a limited time!

Begins September 5, 2024

VIP Tract

Father's Heart


CLICK HERE for payment plan (4 payments of $189)
only 5 spaces available!

Begins September 5, 2024