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And – has now Certified 7 TRAINERS!
Like DeAnna, TRAINERS can Certify Red Tent Activators
Meet our Red Tent Activation TRAINERS:
Karenina Villagrán Pons
Terapeuta integrativa especializada en salud y bienestar femenino. Vive en Santiago, Chile. Trabaja activamente acompañando y empoderando mujeres a través de su proyecto Jardín de Shakti; espacio donde enfoca su trabajo en la educación menstrual, la sexualidad y el cuidado natural de la fertilidad. Años de experiencia enseñando a mujeres a amarse a sí mismas mediante la reconexión del ciclo menstrual como una fuente de intuición, creatividad y espiritualidad. Moon Mother Avanzada y parte del equipo de coordinación en Womb Blessing Chile. Co-fundadora de Ediciones Almaluna, un proyecto que busca expandir la sabiduría femenina en palabra impresa a lo largo de su país. Promotora activa de la Carpa Roja, líder de la antorcha roja en Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Chile y la primera y única Entrenadora de Activación de Carpas Rojas residente en Sudamérica. Visítala en www.jardindeshakti.cl |
Karenina is an Integral therapist specialized in feminine health and well-being. She lives in Santiago, Chile. She actively works supporting and empowering women through her project Jardín de Shatki; space where she focuses her work on menstrual education, sexuality and the natural care of fertility.
Years of experience teaching women how to love themselves through the reconnection of the menstrual cycle as a source of intuition, creativity and spirituality. Advanced Moon Mother and member of the Womb Blessing Chile coordination team. Co-founder of Ediciones Almaluna, a project looking for expanding feminine wisdom in written words along her country.
Active promoter of the Red Tent, leader of the red torch in Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Chile and the first and only Red Tent Activation Trainer dwelling in South America.
Visit her on www.jardindeshakti.cl Facebook: www.facebook.com/jardindeshakti |
Austin, Texas & Colombia:
Diana Hererra
Comprometida desde años atras en reavivar la importancia del sagrado femenino en cada mujer por medio de la aceptación de su periodo menstrual y hornado sus ciclos de luna.
Ministra, Coach espiritualidad femenina, terapeuta menstrúal, Embajadora y Entrenadora de Carpas Rojas y Moon Mother Nivel III.
Odontologa Rehabilitadora y forense. Parasicologa, facilitadora y activadores de carpas rojas, Guardiana Carpa Roja Austin, Moon Mother, coach espiritualidad femenina y terapia menstrual, Master Arcangelico Zafiro Azul. Pertenezco al movimiento de una carpa roja en cada barrio de DeAnna Lam. He escrito los libros Memorias de un Ángel, Diario Angélico y Compendio Angélico, Ángeles, Chakras y Energía, los mismos se encuentran disponibles en ingles y se venden a nivel nacional en Estados Unidos y Europa.
Web: http://corazonando.com/carpa-roja/ Email: energiayangeles@gmail.com Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/carparojaaustin/ |
Diana as been committed for years to rekindling the flame of the Sacred Feminine in every woman, by means of accepting of her menstrual period and honoring her Moon Cycles. She is a Minister, a Female Spirituality Coach, A Menstrual Therapist, A Certified RED TENT ACTIVATION Trainer, and Level III A Moon Mother. Diana is a Dentistry Rehabilitation and forensics, Parasicologist, Red Tent activation facilitator, Guardian Red Tent Austin, Moon Mother, coach female spirituality and menstrual therapy, Master Arcangelico Sapphire Blue. I belong to the movement of a red tent in every neighborhood of DeAnna Lam. I have written the books Memories of an Angel, Angelic Diary and Angelic Compendium, Angels, Chakras and Energy, they are available in English and sold nationwide in the United States and Europe. |
Ana Gabriela Robles
Ana Gabriela Robles ha recordado con la Abuela Margarita desde el año 2000, hace su ofrenda mensual desde hace 20 años y observa desde entonces su vida cíclica. Tiene conocimientos de herbolaria, aromaterapia, reiki, cristaloterapia, masaje kundalini y oriental. Es terapeuta y master de obsidiana del Método de Ana Silvia Serrano y Moon Mother Avanzada certificada por Miranda Grey, guiá Maikú Avanzada certificada. Entrenadora de la Formación de Activadoras de Carpas Rojas y miembro de “Red tents in every neighborhood”, Gestora de Carpas Rojas México y co-creadora del entrenamiento funcional Concibe tu Carpa Alumbra tu Barrio. Ha estudiado la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Información en el ITESM y tiene un Master en Educación Ambiental por la UdeG. Tiene además estudios de Economía Verde y Ciudades Sostenibles en Schumacher College. |
Ana Gabriela Robles has apprenticed with Abuela Margarita since 2000, and has planted her menstrual offering and observed her cyclic life for the last 20 years. She is al Red Tent Activator Trainer and is part of the Red Tent Global Network, she runs the Mexican Red Tent Network. Works and has developed the Conceive your Tent Lighten your Neighborhood training curricula. She also works with herbalism, aromatherapy, reiki, crystaltheraphy, as well as kundalini and oriental massage. She is obsidian master and therapist, by the Ana Silvia Serrano Method, and Advanced Moon Mother certified by Miranda Grey. She has a degree in Information Sciences and a graduate degree in Environmental Education.Web: www.mamachanguito.comEmail: ventas@mamachanguito.com servicio@mamachanguito.comPhone: 55 5658 7345 & 81 1052 9463 |
The UK:
Louise de Caux
Louise de Caux is a Coach, Counsellor and Workshop Leader inspiring women who are at a crossroads in their lives to follow their hearts and re-claim their juiciness, joy for life and who they are as a woman.
Louise had a successful career as a Human Resources Director for global companies, latterly working for the Microsoft Research Laboratory in Cambridge. As a high flying career woman, travelling constantly, she eventually suffered from burn out which affected her health and self-esteem. This started her on a journey of personal development and a desire to find who she was a woman. She is a Certified Red Tent Trainer for Red Tents in every neighborhood, Licensed Art of Being Teacher and Member of the School of Being as well as a HeartMath Coach. She is now self-employed and runs her own coaching and workshop company – Women 2Gether. She is passionate about enabling women to explore and discover their true authentic selves. Contact details: Phone: 07999 842905 |
Ksenija Malia Leban
Ksenija Malia Leban je spremljevalka v obporodnem obdobju in ob pomembnih življenjskih prehodih, pooblaščena voditeljica rdečih, dekliških in obrednih šotorov, pooblaščena mentorica in voditeljica programov, ki zaobjemajo prebujanje maternice, sveto spolnost in ženske misterije, ter pooblaščena izvajalka blagoslovov in celjenja maternice. V knjižni uspešnici Mance Košir z naslovom Darovi minevanja, katere soavtorica je, je spregovorila o svoji ljubezni do življenja in o spoznanjih, ki so sledila njeni obsmrtni izkušnji. Kot uveljavljena konferenčna tolmačka lahko mentorira v slovenskem, angleškem, italijanskem, bosanskem, hrvaškem in srbskem jeziku. Globoko verjame v osupljivo moč obredov, v darilo življenja, ki se uteleša v vsakem dihu, v modrost telesa in veličastnost maternice. Njena srčna namera je, da bi živela pot, ki ji jo velevata maternica in srce, v vsej navzočnosti, ki jo premore. V njeno življenje vnašata barve življenjski sopotnik, priznani otroški ilustrator Gorazd Vahen in njun doma šolajoči se sin Maj. |
Ksenija Malia is a Birth Doula, a Red Tent Activator and Facilitator, an Advanced MoonMother and a Womb Awakening Practitioner and Teacher. She is one of the co-authors of the Slovene bestseller Darovi minevanja (The Gifts of Passing) in which she shares her appreciation of life, deepened by a neardeath experience in a head-on collision. Able to mentor in Slovene, English, Italian, Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian, she is a strong believer in the power of rituals, the gift of breath, the wisdom of the body, the magnificence of the womb – and the heart, as well as presence. Ksenija Malia lives with her life companion, a children’s book illlustrator, Gorazd Vahen and their home-schooled teenage son.
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Rojenica/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/ksenijamalia.leban Website: www.rojenica.si (under preparation) Contact: ksenija.leban@gmail.com |
Nike Spalletti Pinotti
Ida Chechelani
Sono Nike Spalletti Pinotti, e studio astrologia e sciamanesimo da oltre 15 anni.
Negli ultimi 10 anni ho iniziato a frequentare e condurre cerchi di donne, con un’attenzione particolare alle cerimonie della vita, come il menarca, la gravidanza e il parto, ma anche all’equilibrio tra il femminile e il maschile interiori, e al sentiero della sessualità sacra. Ho incontrato DeAnna L’am alcuni anni fa, e ho amato il suo approccio alle donne e la sua visione di una tenda rossa in ogni quartiere, così ho tradotto in italiano il suo libro “Diventare compagne” e sono diventata Red Tent Activator e Facilitatrice della Guarigione della Fanciulla Interiore. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tende-Rosse-in-ogni-Quartiere-Rete-Globale-134340570060609/ |
I’m Nike Spalletti Pinotti, and I’ve been studying astrology and shamanism for more than 15 years. In the last decade I began to attend and lead circles of women, with particular attention to the cerimonies of life, for example menarche, pregnancy and child birth, but also the balance between inner feminine and masculine, and the path of the sacred sexuality. I met DeAnna L’am some years ago, and I love her approach to women and |
Ida Chechelani, Counselor, Facilitatrice Voice Dialogue, Diplomata Red Lodge Longhouse, da vent’anni mi occupo di tematiche legate al femminile mettendo a frutto l’esperienza personale e l’incontro con Donne straordinarie di varie culture e nazionalità. Certificata da DeAnna L’Am alla Red Moon School of Empowerment, mi dedico attualmente a proporre incontri sia individuali che di gruppo legati alla menopausa a agli archetipi delle Tredici Madri Clan delle Origini. | Ida Chechelani, Counselor, Voice Dialogue Facilitator, Graduate Red Lodge Longhouse, for twenty years I have been focusing on feminine themes, making fruit the personal experience and the encounter with extraordinary women from different cultures and nationalities. Certified by DeAnna L’Am at the Red Moon of Empowerment, at present I dedicate my work to proposing both individual and group meetings related to Menopause and the archetypes of the Thirteen Original Clan Mothers.
Web site. www.danba.it Email info@danba.it |
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November 8, 2016
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